In this unit:
- There are 5 conditions you must fulfill before and throughout the prayer.
- If any of these 5 things is not taken care of, your prayer will be invalid.
- Conditions
- Prerequisites
- Awra
- Qibla
1. We must purify ourselves from hadath and filth
1. We must purify ourselves from hadath and filth
We lift hadath by making wudu and/or ghusl. We remove filth by washing it away from our body and clothes. If filth comes on you, you just wash off the place of the filth with purifying water. You do not have to make wudu if you have filth on you. Wudu is only for lifting hadath.
2. We must cover our awra with pure clothes
2. We must cover our awra with pure clothes
The awra is the parts of the body that have to be covered. In prayer, the awra for girls is everything but the hands and face. Make sure everything else is covered. The color and shape of the body should not show through your clothes. For boys, the awra is from the belly button to the knees. It is also good to cover the upper body. Make sure your clothes are pure; there should be nothing najis on them.
3. We must stand on a pure place
3. We must stand on a pure place
Make sure there is no najasa in the place you are standing to pray. The best thing to do is put a prayer rug on the floor or ground. Always keep your prayer rug clean.
4. Before we start praying, we must be sure that the time of prayer is in
4. Before we start praying, we must be sure that the time of prayer is in
Do not start prayer until you are sure the time is in, otherwise you have to pray again.
5. We must be sure to face the qiblah
5. We must be sure to face the qiblah
The qibla or direction for prayer is the Ka’ba in Makkah. If you cannot figure out the direction of the qiblah by yourself, ask someone who would know.
There are only two situations in which we do not have to face the Qibla: