In this unit
- A Muslim purifies his body and his clothes.
- We purify ourselves from najasah and hadath.
- Minor hadath is on the face, head, arms and feet.
- Major hadath is on the entire body.
- Taharah
- Najasah
- Virtual
- Minor Hadath
- Major Hadath
- First, we must purify ourselves from najasah (impurity or filth). Najasah is an impure material. Impure things are unclean things that have to be washed away with water. We will learn about najasah in Unit 3.1.3
- Second, we must purify ourselves from hadath. While najasah is a physical substance that we can see, hadath is not something we can see. It is just a virtual unclean thing; that means it is something you cannot see but it affects your worship of Allah.
Hadath is two types.
Minor Hadath
Minor Hadath
Minor hadath covers the parts of the body that have to be washed in wudu. When a person does not have wudu, then he has minor hadath on the face, arms, head and feet. See the figure on the right.
The green color on this boy shows where minor hadath is on the body.
Major Hadath
Major Hadath
It covers the entire body. When a person does not have ghusl, then he has major hadath on his entire body. See the figure on the right.
The black color on this man shows where major hadath is on the body.